INOG- is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
inog- - A verbal prefix related to and often identical with i-, ig-, iga-, but preferably used in expressing circumstances of time or instrumentality. Ang mga ádlaw nga inogpuása. Fast-days. Tión na nga inoglakát. It is now time to set out, to go or walk. Adlaw nga inogpangabúdlay. A work-day. Adlaw nga inogpahúay. A day of rest. A holiday. Bató nga inoggalíng sang maís. A stone for grinding corn. Papél nga inogsulát. Writing paper. Batakán nga inogbulungá – ipít inoglúlan sang mga sakayán. A crane for loading ships. Inogbák-ong—a shroud, sheet, cover. Inogbalítwà—a lever, bar for raising heavy loads. Inogkaláham (inogpangaláham)—the sense of touch, sensation through contact. Inogsagámsam—taste, the sense of taste. Inoglaráwan—for use in painting, carving, photography, etc. etc. (cf. inug—id.).