INUM is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
inum v {1} [A; a2] drink. {2} [A2; a] drink liquor. Nagwan-dugwandug ang linaktan níya, nakainum tingáli, Hes wobbling. Maybe he had one too many. {3} [A; ab2] take medicine with water. Muinum siyag tablítas arun makatúg, He will take sleep-ing pills so that he can go to sleep. n action of drinking. () {4} [AC; c1] have a drinking spree. Ang dispirádu túa mag-ínum sa súd sa íyang kwartu, The despondent man is drinking heavily in his room. n drinking spree. imnanan v [A13] drink s.w. ha-bitually. imnanan, ilimnan, ilimnanan, inúman n {1} drinking container. {2} place where one habitually drinks. hiN-() a {1} fond of drinking. Dì ku hingínum ug tubà, I dont care too much for toddy. {2} drunkard. ma- n s.t. to drink, esp. alcoholic. pala-() a = hiN-, 2. ilimnun, imnunun n {1} alcoholic liquor or beverage. {2} any liquid for drinking. {3} folk medicine con-sisting of boiled herbs and roots taken orally. v [A; b] treat with boiled herbs or roots. Giilimnunan lang ang íyang hilánat, His fever was just treated with boiled herbs and roots.