IYUS is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
íyus - See íyos—to move, etc. j, The soft Visayan aspirate is best represented by the letter "H” pronounced as in English. Therefore the letter "J” can be dispensed with in writing Visayan, even when Spanish words occur, such as:—Jesucristo, José, alhajas, etc., which are spelled:—Hesukrísto, Hosé, aláhas, etc. k, This letter has the same sound as the English "c” in "cat, come, cut, fact, etc.”, but is pronounced a little softer than "ck” in "lack, pack, struck, etc.”. Modern writers almost exclusively employ "k”, where formerly "c” (before "a”, "o”, "u”, all consonants and hyphens, and at the end of words) and "qu” (before "e” and "i”) were used. Bearing this in mind it is easy to find in this dictionary expressions originally written according to the old spelling, as acó, caácò, catacá, cácac, bác-hò, bác-it, báquid, quíquic, etc., under akó, kaákò, kataká, kákak, bákhò, bák-it, bákid, kíkik, etc. The prefixes pan-, hi-, ha-, etc., if composed with words beginning with the letter "k”, become pang—, hing—, hang—, etc. and the "k” drops out, e.g. karós— pangarós; kaláyo—hingaláyo; kuyús— hanguyús, etc.