KA is a word in Ilokano with its meaning in English.
pron. you (sg.): the enclitic nominative of SIKA. KA-, a ligature prefixed to mensural nouns preceded by a numeral. KA-, a prefix that combines with (1) the full nominative pronouns with DA-to form the corresponding oblique pronouns, (2) the indefinite pronoun DATAO to form its oblique, and (3) the plural article and demonstrative pronouns to form their oblique. --see KANYA-, KEN-, KENUA-. KA-, a prefix which occurs with adjective roots forming verb stems which in turn take the verbalizing affix -EN to form verbs meaning (1) to make like what the adjective root describes when the subject is a noun phrase, and (2) to do in the manner described by the adjective root when the subject is a verb phrase. KA-+ R1-, nom. af. the doing of the action expressed by the verb continuously. Nabisinanak ti kauuray kenka. I went hungry waiting for you. KA- [pt. KINA-, prp. KA- + R1, ptp. KINA- + R1], a verbalizing affix which places the reciprocal actor or accessory of the action expressed by the verb in focus or subject position. KA-, a nominalizing affix occurring with adjective roots which expresses the degree or extent of the quality or trait indicated by the root. KA-, a nominalizing affix which occurs with verb steins and nouns. With verb stems, it expresses the performance of the action expressed by the verb stem together with someone or close to someone; with nouns, it expresses the sharing of the object referred to be the noun with someone, or being or living in the place referred to by the noun with someone. KA-+R1, a prefix occurring with verb stems which indicates recent completion of the action expressed by the verb stem. -- var. KAI- R1. KAALDAWAN [cf. ALDAW], n. the very day (od). Ita ti kaaldawan ti piesta mi. Today is the very day of our fiesta.