KAHAS is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
káhas v [AN; a2] {1} have the audacity to get or use s.t. without the consent of the proper person. Gikáhas sa asáwa ang ílang tinígum arun ipalit ug tíbi, The wife had the nerve to take their savings to buy a T. V. set. Gikáhas níyag baligyà ang bábuy, He took it upon himself to sell the pig. Gikáhas ug lúgì sa íyang anak ang ílang kalubihan, His son had the nerve to harvest their coconuts. {2} embezzle. Ang tisuríru nga mikáhas sa pundu, The treasurer who embezzled the funds. pangáhas v [A2; b5] {1} do s.t. one should not. Ayaw giyug pangáhas ug paúlì nga mag- inusára sa kagabhíun, Dont dare go home alone at night. {1a} abuse s. o. sexually. Buut ku siyang pangahásan, I wanted to abuse her. {2} dare do s.t. that takes courage. Dì ku mangáhas pagtabuk samtang bahà pa, I dont dare cross while the river is in flood stage. mapaN-un n daring to do s.t. forbidden.