KALAS is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
kalas (not without l) v {1} [B12; a12] die in a disaster, ac-cident, war. Kadaghang way lábut ang nakalas sa gúbat sa Byitnam, A lot of innocent people died in the war in Vietnam. Kalasun kamung tanan, You will all meet your death. {2} [a3] be destroyed, annihilated. Daghang ayruplánu ang nakalas sa Pirl Harbur, Many planes were destroyed at Pearl Harbor. () a (with l droppable) wasteful, using in an extravagant way. Kás kaáyu sa panahun ang ar-utísi, ROTC is a big waste of time. Kanang plantsáha kás ug kuryinti, That iron uses more elec-tricity than necessary. v [A2; a2] waste, use wastefully. Ayaw kalása paggáwì ang túbig, Dont waste the water. -an a wasteful, using more than necessary. Kalasan ka kaáyug papil, You use paper wastefully.