KAPIN is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
kapin v [B456; b(1)] be in excess or extra. Mukapin sa gatus ang mitambung, More than a hundred people attended. Nagkapin ka na sa ímung pagpasagad, Your irresponsibility is getting too much. Kapinan ug sulti sa tabian ang íyang mga libak, The gos-sip always exaggerates the stories she tells behind peoples backs. Kapin sa tungà ang ganansiya, The profit was more than half. kun kúlang more or less. Ang íyang mga apu kapin kun kúlang, singkuwinta ka buuk, He has fifty grandchildren, more or less. nga buut ulterior motive. Ayaw laínag sabut. Way kaping buut niíning ákung ihátag, Do not misunderstand me. I have no ulterior motives in giving you this. may (way) nga kabubut-un having strings attached. Dúna giyuy kaping kabubut-un ang paghátag, kay unyà lisud pagbalíbad, There are strings attached to that gift, because shes going to have a hard time refusing him after she has accepted it. pa moreover. Kapin pa, nasáyud na giyud ang bána sa íyang gibúhat didtu, Moreover, the husband also found out about everything she did there. pa- v [A; c] give an excess or extra. Ngánu bang mukapin pa man giyud siyag sulti? Why does he have to say more than what is necessary? Gipakapinan kug usa ka buuk kay mipalit kug usa ka dusína, She gave me an extra one, because I bought a whole dozen. n extra, s.t. additional given. hiN-, hiN-() v [B1456] be done to an excessive degree. Naghingápin ra ang íyang pag-inum, He drinks too much. -an() {1} having anomalous growth s.w. in the body. {2} the donkeys ears abalone, or any oval-shaped abalone, so called because there is more flesh in proportion to the shell-size than other types of bivalves. -an = -an(), 2. tag-() each more than. Tagkápin sa gatus ámung báhin, We get more than a hundred as our share.