KARTIYU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
kartíyu v {1} [AN; a] be able to work out a problem, think ones way out of a tight spot. Wà siya makurnir kay maáyung man-gartíyu, They couldnt pressure him into marriage, because he was a quick thinker. Kartiyúhun nátù ang makina básig muan-dar, Lets try to use our brains on this sewing machine. Maybe we can figure out how to make it go. {1a} [A; a12] accomplish s.t. with less than what one would normally have available. Ug maáyu kang mukartíyu, makapaiskuyla ka sa ímung anak, If you handle your limited resources right, you can still send your son to school. Wà tay istrungkadur, átù lang kartiyúhun ug kutsilyu, We dont have a screwdriver, but well manage it with a knife. {2} [A13] slap together a plan hastily. Nagkartíyu lag usa ka dinalìdaling ripurt, He just wa? ed up a quick report. n ability, thinking power to solve problems. kartiyúhan a having a knack for solving problems.