KASAL is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
kasál - To marry, bless or solemnize a marriage. Sín-o ang nagkasál sa ínyo? Who married you? Who solemnized your marriage? Sín-o ang nagpakasál kaína sang ága? Who was married this morning? Sín-o ang ginkasál sang Párì kahápon? Who was married by the Priest yesterday? Mapakasál kamí buás. We are going to be married to-morrow. Nakasál— or—nagpakasál na kamó ukón walâ pa? Have you been married yet or not? Indì mo pagipakasál ang ímo anák sa kasamiénto sibíl. Don’t permit your son (daughter) to contract a civil marriage. Ang mga Kristiánhon nga nagapakasál sa sibíl nagapakasalâ sing dakû sa atubángan sang Diós. Christians that contract a civil marriage sin grievously in the sight of God.