KAY is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
kay {1} because, for the reason that. Undang na ta kay gikápuy man ku, Lets quit because Im tired. Kay magminyù ka man giyud, na hala, sígi, Since youre bent on getting married, all right, go ahead. ábi just because. Ábi kay bag-ug awtu muham-bug dáyun, Just because he has a new car, he has to brag about it. arun because in that way a desired result will happen. Mag-tuun ka kay arun makapasar ka, You should study so you can pass. kúmu seeing as how, because the situation is that . . . Kúmu kay ikay amahan, ikay mubadlung, Since youre the father, its your duty to keep him in line. Kúmu kay wà kuy kwarta, dì ku magminyù, Since I have no money, I wont get married. maáyu its good that. Maáyu kay nía ka, Its a good thing youre here now. tungud because, just for the reason that. Tungud kay gikusì ka, mamúnal diay ka? Just because he pinched you, you beat him up? untà since it is, was like that, [so-and-so] should have happened. Untà kay ikaw may magulang, ikaw untay dílì magpabuyag, Since you are the elder, you should have behaved yourself. Untà kay wà nay bugas, ímu untà kung giingnan, Since we were out of rice, you should have told me. {2} why is it that way? Traynta? Kay pabayrun ba diay ang bátà? Thirty cents? Why? You mean to say the baby has to pay fare too? [inter-rogative] Why is it like that? Who, what, why, how, etc. is it, that it should be like that? Misulti siyag ingun? Kay kinsa ba nà siya, Is that what he said? Why, who the hell is he? Dì mau? Kay unsa man diay tu? Isnt that it? Why? What was it then? Kay ngánu man diay? Dì ka mutrabáhu? What do you mean? You mean you dont want to work? Dì mau? Kay unsáun pa man diay? What do you mean its not the right way? How are we to do it then? {3} [dative] than. Dakù siya kay kanákù (sa ákung anak), He is bigger than I am (than my child). {4} basta {a} if [so-and-so] is done, [such-and-such] is the result. Kay basta (basta kay) ímung dugáyun ug ínit, madáut giyud, If you heat it for a long time, it will get ruined. {b} thats the way it is. Kay basta (basta kay) mu tuy gisulti, Thats the way it is. That is what he said. {5} dílì {a} it is not really that way. Dílì kay aku ray nagmulù, Its not as though I were the only one that had a complaint. Ang giingung barátu, dì kay barátu giyud, ubus-ubus lang sa uban, When he says its cheap, its not really cheap. Its just a little lower than the others. {b} not only is it [so-and-so]. Dì lang kay barátu, barátu gayud, Its not just cheap, its very, very cheap. dílì . . . kun dílì not only . . . but also. Dì lang kay gwápu, kun dì dátù, Not only is he handsome, hes rich.