KIBRA is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
kibra v {1} [B; ab7] be decreased, be diminished. Usa ka kali-húkang nakakibra (nakapakibra) sa ákung pagmahal, An action which makes my love for you grow less. Kibráhan ang takus kay mahal na man, They give you less in a package because the price is going up. Dakù na ang kibra sa ákung timbang, I have lost a lot of weight. {2} [A; a] in a card game like rummy, deal a player a card which will force him to put down or discard cards he is holdingi. e. , cause an opponents hand to diminish. Nakak-ibra siya sa ákung baráha ug nahátag ku ang ákung gikuptan, He dealt me a card such that I had to open, and I relinquished the cards I had been saving. -da n {1} downgrade. Giatángan sila sa kibráda, They were ambushed at the downgrade. {2} de-crease. Kibráda sa mga prisyu, Lowering of prices. v [A] {1} for the road to descend. {2} for s.t. to move downward, becoming less.