KINSA is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
kinsa {1} who, whose? Kinsay muanhi rung hápun? Who will come this afternoon? Kinsa ring lapis? Whose pencil is this? [noun]-a {2} which person (of several). Kinsang batáang naligsan? Which child was it that was run over? {3} in phrases: bísan anybody, and everybody. Ang mayur nag-awhag kang bísan kinsa nga ang sidula pagabayran giyud, The Mayor urges anyone and everyone to pay his head tax. Abúga bísan kinsang batáang magdúlà dinhi, Drive away any child that plays here. ni, si bísan no one at all, no matter who it is. Way si (ni) bísan kinsa ang makahilabut niíni, No one, and I dont care who, can touch this. kang whose. Kang kinsa ni? Who does this be-long to? pa {a} who else? Kinsa pay gustung mupalit? Who else wants to buy? {b} who in the world! Kinsa pay layhan nga mutrabáhu ug mau nay swildu! Who in the world would want to work here if that is the salary! -y ngálan [gen. ] what is [gen. ]s name? Kinsay ngálan níya? What is his name? si {a1} s. o. who thinks hes of importance but is not. in interrogative sentences: who does he (she) think he is? Si kinsa ba siyang musúgù nákù? Who is he to command me? {a2} mu rag si as if he were s. o. Nagpasugùsúgù si Ambuy mu rag si kinsa, Amboy is giving orders as if he were s. o. {a3} abi, kaingun [gen. ] ug si [gen. ] thought it was s. o. of importance, when it wasnt. Ingun nákù ug si kinsa, ikaw diay, For a moment I thought it was s. o. , but it was just you. b kadtung whoever, anyone who. Si kinsa tung makapildi sa higanti hatágag primyu, Whoever can kill the giant gets a reward. kinsáun, maha-, mahakinsakinsa whoever it turns out to be. Bísan kinsáun (mahakinsa, mahakinsakinsa) padayunun sa balay, Whoever comes, she just lets him come into the house. kinsakinsa anybody and everybody. Kinsakinsa na lang duktur ákung gitawag. Wà ma maáyu ang masakitun, I called every doctor there was, but the patient did not improve.