KO is a word in Ilokano with its meaning in English.
pron. my: the enclitic possessive of SIAK. --var. -K (after a vowel). KOBER [kobεr; f. Eng.], n, cover (of a book, notebook, etc.). v. /AG-, MANG-:-AN/ to cover (a book, notebook, etc.). Koberam ta librom. Cover your book. /MANGI-: I-/ to use to cover (a book, notebook, etc.) with. Daytoy ti ikober mo dita librom. Use this to cover your book with. --syn. KALUB. KOBOY [f. Eng.], n. cowboy. KODAK [f. Eng.], n. camera. --syn. KAMERA. v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ to photograph, to take a picture of. Kodaken nak man. Will you please take a picture of me. KOKOMBAN [f. Eng.], n. bond paper. KOLADA [f. Sp.], v. /AGI-, MANGI-: I-/ to bleach (as clothes or like clothes). Ikoladam dagita lupot tapno pumudaw da. Bleach those clothes so that they will get whiter. --var. KULA. KOLEHIALA [kolεhiala; f. Sp.], n. a coed, a female college student. KOLEHIO [kolεhio; f. Sp.], n, college. KOLERA [kolεra; f. Sp.], n. cholera. v. /MA-/ to be afflicted with this, to have this. KOLORETE [kolorεtε; f. Sp.], n. rouge. KOMADRE [komadrε; f. Sp.], n. 1. the godmother of one’. child Komadrek ni Marya, Mary is the godmother of my child. 2. a title of address or reference for the godmother of one’s child (sometimes followed by the first name or nickname of the godmother). Sumrek ka, Komadre Marya. Come inside, KOMADRE Mary. --var. KOMARE. --ant. KOMPADRE. KOMANDER [komandεr; f. Eng.], n. commander. KOMARE [komarε], var. of KOMADRE. KOMBENSION [kombεnsion; f. Sp.], n. convention. v. /AG-/ to have or hold a convention. KOMBENTO [kombεnto; f. Sp.], n. convent, cloister. KOMENTARIO [komεntario; f. Sp.], n. commentary. KOMERSIANTE [komεrsiantε; f. Sp.], n. merchant. KOMERSIO [komεrsio; f. Sp.], n. commerce, business. KOMIKS [f. Eng.], n. comics, funnies. KOMISIONADA [f. Sp.], n. commission. KOMPADRE [kompadrε; f. Sp.], n. 1. the godfather of one’s child. Kompadrek diay presidente. The president is the godfather of my child. 2. a title of address or reference for the godfather of one’s child (sometimes followed by the first name or nickname of the godfather). Dumagas ka pay, Kompadre Huan. Come in for awhile, KOMPADRE John. --var. KOMPARE. --ant. KOMADRE.