KONGKONG is a word in Ilokano with its meaning in English.
v. /MANG-:-AN/ to provide with a canal o. groove to make a canal or groove at. Kongkongam ditoy tapno adda pagayusan ti danum. Make a canal here so that water can flow through it. KOPA [f. Sp.], n. cup, goblet. --syn. TASA. KOPIA [f. Sp.], n. copy. v. /AG-/ to copy someone’s answer to a question in an examination. /MANG-:-EN/ to copy, imitate. KOPITA [f. Sp.], n. a small cup or goblet. KORBATA [f. Sp.], n. cravat, tie. v. /AG-/ to wear a cravat or tie. KORDERO [kordεro; f. Sp.], n. lamb. KOREA [korεa; f. Sp.], n. belt, a continuous band of tough material for transmitting motion and power or conveying materials, a belt chain. KOREO [korεo; f. Sp.], n. mail. KORNETEN [kornεtεn; f. Sp.], n. trumpet, bugle. KORONEL [koronεl; f. Sp.], n. colonel. KORTAPLUMA [f. Sp.], n. pocketknife, penknife. KORTAR [f. Sp.], v. /MANG-:-AN/ to cut the hair of, to give (someone) a haircut. Sino ti nangkortar kenka? Who cut your hair? --syn. PUKIS. KORTE [kortε; f. Sp.], n. court. KORTE SUPREMA [kortε suprεma; f. Sp.], the Supreme Court. KOSMOS [f. Eng.], n. 1. the cosmos plant. 2. the flower of a cosmos.