KUBU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
kubù a stoop-shouldered. Ságad sa mga tisísun kubù, Most people with TB are stoop-shouldered. v {1} [A; c1] stoop a little, bend over. Nikubù siya pag-ági sa mabang pultahan, He stooped when he went through the low door. {2} [B] for the posture to be hunched over. kubul v [B2] {1} for s.t. cooked to come out tough or hardened. Mukubul ang pánit sa giasal kun dì humdan ug túbig, The roast pig skin becomes tough if it has been roasted without daubing water on it. Nagkakubul na ang kindi nga ákung gilútù, The candy Im cooking is gradually hardening. {2} become hard-ened, insensitive. Mikubul (nakubul) na ang íyang kasingkásing sa tanang biaybíay, Her feelings have become hardened to any and all insults. Nagkakubul ang ákung láwas sa katugnaw, My body is gradually becoming inured to the cold. a {1} hard-ened. {2} hardened in feelings, insensitive. Kubul siya sa mga pakilúuy, She is insensitive to pleas for mercy. kublan a {1} invulnerable. Dì nà siya dutlan ug bála kay kublan, Bullets cant pierce him because he is invincible. {2} = kubul, a. v [B] become invulnerable.