KULIGI is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
kulígi v [A; b3] cry noisily and loudly. Mikulígi ang bátà nga wà hatágig singku, The child cried noisily because he did not get his nickle. Nagkulígi ang masúsu kay gigútum, The baby is crying because it is hungry. kulíhad, kulìhad v {1} [AN; c] loosen phlegm in the throat and expel it. Humag pangíhì, nangulíhad siya ug nanglup-ad, After urinating he loosened his phlegm and spat out. {2} [A23N; b] clear out phlegm in the throat as a sign of derision or contempt. Mangulíhad (mukulíhad) dáyun ang Dunyag náay pubring man-gulitáwu sa íyang anak, The Doña clears her throat in contempt as soon as a poor man comes to pay a call on her daughter. n derision and contempt. Giantus ni Magdalína ang mga pag-biaybíay ug kulíhad sa katawhan, Magdalene endured all the peoples derision and contempt. -in- n s.t. expectorated. paN-= kulíhad, n.