KUMUT is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
kúmut v [AN; ab2] {1} lay hands on any part of the body in-cluding the hair and squeezing or clawing at it. Kumútun ku nang nawung mu, Ill claw your face. {2} crumple in the hands. Kumúta ang papil úsà ilábay, Crumple the paper before throw-ing it away. Kalamì rang kumútun sa bátà, How I would love to squeeze that chubby baby. {3} extract the juice of s.t. by squeezing. Akuy mukúmut sa amirul nga bugas, Ill get starch for the laundry by squeezing the cooked rice. {3a} [A; b] put salt on s.t. and squeeze it to remove undesirable properties in the juice. Kumúti ug asin ang paliya arun makúhà ang pait, Squeeze the bitter vegetable together with salt to remove its bitter taste. {4} wash small pieces of clothing in a basin. Kumúti ang mga kamisin sa kabatáan, Wash out the childrens undershirts. {5} [A2; a12] a? ict with anguish, grief, etc. Ang mapait níyang mga púlung mikúmut sa íyang kasingkásing, His bitter words clawed at her heart.