KUTSARA is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
kutsára n tablespoon. Gáwì sa kutsára ug tinidur igkáun nímu, Use a spoon and fork when you eat. v {1} [a] eat with a ta-blespoon. Kutsaráhun diay ang kúkis? Are you going to eat the cookies with a spoon? {2} [A; a12] spoon s.t. out. Kut-saráha ang harína, Get the flour out with a spoon. Gikutsára sa duktur ang gilúgus, The doctor took a spoonful of secretion from the girl that had been raped. paN- v [A2] use a tablespoon on s.t. , eat with a tablespoon. kutsaríta n {1} teaspoon. {2} k. o. fleshy ornamental herbs grown for their colorful leaves as a border plant: Alternanthera spp. v [A13; a] use, eat with a teaspoon. kutsarun n ladle, large serving spoon. Kutsarun ang isanduk sa linúgaw, Use a ladle to scoop out the porridge. v {1} [A1; a1] dip out with a ladle. {2} [b6] provide with a serving spoon or ladle. Kutsaruni ang sabaw inigsilbi nímu, Provide a ladle for the soup when you serve it.