LABAN is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
lában v {1} [A; b] take sides with. Mulában ku nímu ug hustu ka, Ill go to your defense if you are right. Gilabánan sa Yúis ang Israil, The U. S. took sides with Israel. {1a} sa nigusyu cooperate in making a business do well. Dúnay mga tindírang dílì mulában sa nigusyu sa ílang agáwun, Some salesgirls do not do anything to help their masters business. {2} [A; b(1)] defend s. o. in a lawsuit. Si Aturni Katunggal ang mulában sa ákung kásu, Attorney Catunggal is defending me in a lawsuit. {2a} [A; b] defend ones honor, uphold the stand he has taken. Naglában lang ku sa ákung dungug sa pagpatay ku níya, I killed him in defense of my honor. Gilabánan níya ang íyang barugánan, He stood by his principles. paN- v be a lawyer by occupation. n occupation of lawyer. -an() a tending to take sides with ones child or other person in whom one is interested. Ayg pakig-áway ánang bat-ána kay labanan ra ba kaáyu nag inahan, Dont quarrel with that child because his mother tends to take sides with him. v [B126] become one who mixes in quarrels. maN-r-n attorney.