LABAW is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
labaw v {1} [B3; c] jut out higher than s.t. , stick out farther from the margin or limit. Milabaw ang íyang úlu sa mga táwu, His head jutted above the crowd. Naglabaw ang ímung kamisun, Your slip is showing. Ilabaw ang antína sa mga atup, Put the antenna higher than the rooftops. {2} [B3; b] be more, over in degree, number. Way makalabaw sa íyang kahingatag, No one can surpass his generosity. Labwan nákù ang ímung kininhas, Ill gather more shells than you did. {3} be ahead in a contest. Isáka ang pusta ug mulabaw ta, Raise the bet if we are ahead. {4} prevail over. Milabaw ang ákung gugma sa kayugut níya, My love for her prevailed over my hate. a {1} sticking out from the general level or margin. Putla ang mga labaw, Cut o? the ones sticking up above the rest. {2} more, over in degree or number. Labaw siyang dátù kay kanámù, He is much richer than us. {3} ahead in a contest. n {1} amount s. o. is ahead. Pilay labaw sa ímung kuntra? How many points is your opponent ahead of you? {2} superior, boss. {3} pa, sa in addition to, beyond. Hatágan kag primyu, ug labaw pa niánà, makabyáhi ka, You will be given a prize, and in addition to that, you can travel. Buútan siya, utúkan, ug labaw sa tanan, gwápa, She is good, brainy, and above all else, she is pretty. pa-() v {1} [C; b3] try to outdo one another, vie with s. o. Nagpalábaw sila sa hambug, They try to outdo each other with their big talk. Unsa may inyung gipalabáwan nga nagpanghugyaw man mu? You must be having some sort of a contest that youre shouting so much. {2} [A12C2; b5c] play a game of any sort whereby the one who gets the highest number wins. Nagpalábaw sila arun sa pag-ila kung kinsay musúgud sa dúwà, They drew cards to determine who will start the game. n s.t. done to outdo s. o. , e. g. action of winning by getting the highest number. palabwánay = palábaw.