LABTIK is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
labtik v {1} [A; b] strike with a flicking or snapping motion. Labtíkan tikaw sa lastiku, Ill flick the rubber band at you. Hil-abtikan ka sa nawung ug buy-an ku ring sanga, Youll get lashed in the face if I let go o? this branch suddenly. {2} [B46] for a mechanism to click or snap. Nagpúsing pa ku, nilabtik na diay ang kamira, I was still posing, but the camera had already clicked. {2a} [A] for the heart to beat. Milabtik ang ákung dughan sa kahinangup, My heart beat with joy at seeing her. n {1} whip or s.t. to flick at s.t. {1a} reins of a carabao: a rope usually about 34 meters long attached to the end of the nose cord (pangilung). It is snapped on the carabaos back to urge it on. {2} action of flicking. pa- hint, s.t. said indirectly. Ang íyang mulù nga wà pay swildu ági lag palabtik nga muhulam siyag kwarta, His complaints that he hadnt been paid were just his way of hinting that hed like to borrow money. v [A; b] give hints.