LABUK is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
labuk v {1} [A; b] for a chicken to attack. Milabuk ang himungáan dihang gihilabtan ang pisù, The hen charged when s. o. messed with her chicks. {1a} charge into a fray like a chicken. Gi-labukan níya ang íyang kuntra sa dihang gimiramiráhan siya, She lunged at her enemy when he waved his finger at her. {1b} [CP; acP] have cocks fight each other for practice. Nakiglábuk (nakigpalábuk) si Talyu sa íyang tiksas sa halsi sa íyang silín-gan, Talyo had his Texas cock have a practice fight with his neighbors Hulsey. {1c} [A] come in a gust. Milabuk ang hán-gin ug unyà mikalma dáyun, The wind gusted and then calmed down. Katáhap nga milabuk sa íyang pangísip, A suspicion that suddenly arose in his mind. {2} [A] go after what one wants. Ingun ka báyut siya. Mulabuk sad nà ug makalugar, You said he was a sissy, but I assure you he wont sit on his hands if he gets half a chance. {2a} sa hílum go after what one wants with-out letting on to others. Milabuk siya sa hílum ug nakaunag hangyù, He moved in without letting others notice it, and he was the first one to ask. n way of attacking. hílum, sikrítu ug doing things on the sly (secretly). Pahilumhílum nang tawhána, apan sikrítug labuk, That man pretends to be quiet, but actu-ally he is doing things on the sly. () n action of clashing with one another. labuklábuk v [A; b] do s.t. intermittently. Ígù lang siyang mulabuklábuk sa trabáhu kay may láin siyang lin-gaw, He just appears at work from time to time because he has other diversions.