LAGDUK is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
lagduk n {1} a small stake. {2} penis (humorous slang). {3} ang anínu noon (lit. for the shadow to have been driven in the ground like a stake). {3a} noon (short for lagduk ang anínu). Lagduk na (ang anínu) pag-abut námù, It was noon when we ar-rived. v {1} [A; b] drive a small stake into the ground. Maglag-duk kug tugwáyan sa kábaw, Ill drive a peg to tether my carabao to. {1a} stick s.t. into s.t. Ilagduk ang kandílà sa kik, Stick the candles into the cake. {1b} [A; c] hold oneself upright and firm. Makalagduk na si Bíbi pagtindug, Baby can stand by her-self now. {2} [A13; c] put a fighting cock out in the yard by staking the tether string to the ground. Kinsay naglagduk sa manuk diris gardin? Who tied the cock here in the garden? {3} [A; a2] in bowling, throw the ball keeping the feet together in place without moving them or taking a step. Nakalagduk na ku, apan wà ku kadaug, I tried throwing the ball without taking a step, but I couldnt win. {4} [B3; b4] for the sun to be directly above one. Mulagduk ang adlaw ug maalas dúsi, The sun gets directly above you at twelve oclock. {4a} be, become noon. Gi-lagdúkan na lang siya sa adlaw wà pa giyud mahumag dáru, It was already noon, and he still had not finished plowing. {4b} for s.t. to be above one like the sun. Milagduk ákung tabánug, My kite soared above me. {4c} [B246; c1] for the eyes to roll upwards. Milagduk íyang mata sa kalamì, Her eyes rolled up-ward in ecstacy. () v [a4] become absent-minded. Uy, gilagduk na tingáli ka kay walà ka makapanira sa ímung karsúnis, My, you have become absent-minded because you havent buttoned up your pants. -an() = lagduk. n 1.