LAGUMLUM is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
lagumlum (from lumlum) v {1} [A13; b(1)] for s.t. to lie dor-mant and hidden beneath or inside s.t. Naglagumlum sa átung kabukíran ang daghang mína, Ores to be mined are lying dor-mant in our mountains. Naglagumlum nga kahadluk sa íyang dughan, Fear lurking in her heart. {2} [A; c16] keep s.t. one doesnt own or should share for oneself. Ang tagakustum kusug mulagumlum sa dílì íla, The Customs people are quick to keep things that dont belong to them. Ayaw lagumlúma ang sikrítu. Ibutyag, Dont keep the secret to yourself. Tell us. {3} [A; b3] stay s.w. for some good reason. Milagumlum siyag usa ka simána sa íyang panágat, He stayed out fishing for a week. Unsay ímung lagumlúman sa tubaan, dì ínum? What are you hanging around at the toddy stand for if not to drink?