LAGUT is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
lagut v {1} [A; a12] chew tobacco. Bahù ug bàbà ang táwung mulagut, A person who chews tobacco will develop foul-smelling breath. Lagutun ku ning tabakúa, Ill chew this tobacco. {2} [A13; a1] do chewing motions. Ang kábaw maglagut kanúnay, The carabao is always chewing. Íya lang gilagut ang karni, He just chewed the meat. n chewing tobacco. a for a child to be so cute one would love to pinch or bite it. Lagút kaáyung bataána. Kaáyu dyung kusiun, This child is so cute. How Id love to pinch it. () v {1} [A; c1] gnash the teeth. Gilágut níya ang íyang ngípun sa kasukù, She gnashed her teeth in anger. {2} [B146; b3(1)c3] get irritated, angry. Naglágut si Ibuy sa ímung sugsúg, Iboy was irked at your teasing. Ángay ba nà nímung ikalágut (kalagútan)? Is that worth getting mad about? a irritating, irksome. Lágut kaáyu nang bataána, samukan, That brat is very irritating. Hes a pest. pa-() v [A; ac] get s. o. s goat. Unsa na puy ílang ipalágut nákù? What are they going to think of next to annoy me? n s.t. to irk, anger s. o. or rouse s. o. to resentment. paN- v [A2] for a child to be teething. Paliti ug lagutan ang bátà kay nanglagut na, Buy the baby a teething ring because hes beginning to teethe. -an n teething ring. -unun n tobacco for chewing. maka-r-, maka-r-() a very maddening. Makalalágut kanang ímung binúang, Your foolishness is maddening. ma-un() a irritated. ka-() n anger, irritation.