LAHI is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
lahì a di? erent. Káda táwu lahì sa usa, Each person is di? er-ent from every other. v {1} [BC; ac] be di? erent or dissimilar. Malahì giyud kag muadtu kag magdyins, Youll surely be di? er-ent from everybody else if you go there in jeans. Nagláhì ang ílang hitsúra bisag kalúha sila, They look di? erent even though they are twins. Ilahì (lahia) ang pagkáun sa mga binatunan sa átù, Give the servants di? erent food from ours. {2} [AC12] do s.t. apart from others or the main group. Mulahì sila sa grúpu inigpangáun na, They eat in a small group o? to themselves. pa-v [A; a] do s.t. di? erent from the ordinary. Dílì ku manundug, mupalahì giyud ku, I wont imitate, Ill do s.t. di? erent. lahìláhì a of di? erent kinds. Lahìláhing mga panaptun ang íyang gipalit, She bought di? erent kinds of cloth. v [B16; a] be of di? erent kinds. ka- v [B1456] be of various kinds. Nagkalahìláhì ang ámung upiniyun, Our opinions were varied.