LAHONG is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
lahóng - An opening, outlet, vent, passage through, exit or egress (on the other side); to have an opening through or an outlet on the other side. Ang búhò nga iní may lahóng sa pihák sang baláy. This hole has an outlet behind the house. Iníng gíab sa padér nagalahóng sa dálan. This hole in the wall passes through to the road. Ang ibán nga mga búhò índì lahóng, índì maglahóng or walâ sing lahóng. Some holes have no outlet on the other side. (cf. lápus, lapús). lahób – lakarán láhus, Quick, expeditious, speedy, by a short-cut; to do something quickly, expeditiously, in less than ordinary time, speedily, with speed. Láhus nga trabáho. Expeditious work. Lahúsa gid ang paglútò sang manók. Cook the chicken quickly. Nagaláhus lang siá sang íya mga buluhatón, sang íya pagsulát, pagtahî, etc. He performs his duties, his writing, his sewing, etc. expeditiously. Lahúson mo lang ang ákon panápton, kay may kadtoán akó sa buás. Get my dress ready at once, for I have to go out to-morrow. (cf. dalî, dalî-dálì, dagúndon).