LAMANU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
lamánu v {1} [AC; ab2] shake hands. Naglamánu ang man-agkuntra apan dúmut gihápun, The two protagonists shook hands but they still were full of hatred. Lamanúhun ku ang bag-ung kasal, Ill shake hands with the newly-weds. {2} [A; c1] join two edges of metal sheets with one hooked into the other. Lamanúhun (ilamánu) ta lang pagsumpay, Lets join it bending the two edges around so that one fits into the other. n {1} handshake. {2} joint of two things whereby the two things fit into each other. Nabungkas ang lamánu sa baldi, The pail came apart because the joint where the edges of the metal were made to fit into each other came apart. {3} powdered milk donated by the U. S. government which bears a picture of a handshake (slang).