LAMHUNG is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
lamhung a {1} growing thickly and profusely, esp. such that other plants are crowded out. {2} choking o? or overshadow-ing, keeping plants from growing well. {3} swollen and inflamed. v [B3; b6] {1} grow thick and/or tall such that other growths get stunted. Ang kamukámu milamhung sa lagwirta, The morn-ing glories spread all over the garden (and choked other plants). {1a} stunt other plants by choking them o? or overshadow- ing them. Makalamhang ang dáhun sa kaymítu sa mga tanum, Star apple leaves are used as a cover to kill o? other plants. Nalamhungan ang mga munggus sa balíli, The grass stunted the bean plants. {2} [B2346] get inflamed. Milamhung ang pinaakan sa lamuk, The mosquito bite became inflamed.