LAMUY is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
lamuy v {1} [A; a] take in s.t. by swallowing. Maglamuy kug tablítas pára katúlug, Ill take some sleeping pills. Gilamuy si Hunas sa balyína, Jonah was swallowed by a whale. {1a} eat greedily or gluttonously (coarse). À, milakaw man lang dáyun human makalamuy, After he gorged himself, he immediately left the party. {1b} sa bakunáwa ang búwan [a12] for there to be a lunar eclipse (for the moon to have been swallowed by the bakunáwa). {2} [A; a2] swallow words or feelings. Milamuy ka lang dáyun sa íyang gisulti, You swallowed his story, hook, line, and sinker. Gilamuy ku ang ákung kasukù arun way masilù, I just swallowed my anger so that nobody would have hard feel-ings. {3} swallowed up in a figurative sense. Galastúhan nga milamuy sa ílang tinipígan, The expenses which swallowed up their savings. Gilamuy siya sa kangitngit, He was swallowed by the darkness. n food consumption. Ang ámung mutsatsu dakug lamuy, Our servant eats too much. walay poor as a church mouse (deprecatory). -in-an n manner of eating.