LAPAT is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
lapat n clothes for home wear. lápaw v [B23; cP] go above or beyond a certain amount. Milá-paw na ang ákung anak nákù, My son has gotten to be taller than I am. Ug malápaw na sa dus písus ang gantang sa mais, ambut lang, If corn goes beyond two pesos a ganta, I dont know. Makalápaw ka bag luksu ánang gilay-úna? Can you jump be-yond that point? Sa íyang abilidad dì ka makalápaw, You can not surpass his ability. Gilapáwan ang mga atup sa lúnup, The flood water rose above the rooftops. Ilápaw (ipalápaw) giyud ang sabaw sa gilung-ag, The water level should be higher than the rice. a gone far beyond, over. sa beyond. tagi-, tagi-() a high above a certain level. Ang bahà tagilápaw (tagilapaw) sa túhud, The flood is above the knees.