LARGA is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
larga v {1} [B36] for a passenger vehicle to leave. Milarga (nalarga) ang trák binyáan ang kunduktur, The bus went o? , leaving the conductor behind. {1a} leave for a distant place. Mularga mi ugmà pára Butwan, Well leave for Butuan tomor-row. Ug malarga na mi mahibáwu ka ra, Youll surely know it if we have gotten o? . {1b} used in commands only: go ahead, start. Ug muingun kung larga, dágan . . . Na, larga na, When I say OK, run . . . OK, run! manuk = larga, 1b. {2} [A3P; b] allow, permit s. o. to do s.t. freely. Kinsa may naglarga nímu nga ipatandug nang trabahúa? Who gave you a free hand to touch that work? {2a} [A; b] meet a price o? ered, agree to do s.t. for a certain price o? ered. Mularga ku ánà sa bayinti, Ill let it go for twenty. {3} [A; b7] pay out the line. Ayaw pal-abii ug larga sa tugut ang tabánug, Dont pay out the string of your kite too much. Largahi ang pasul, Pay out the fishline. {4} [A; bc] let cocks go for a fight. Largáhan na gánì nang duha ka manuk, súgud na ang búlang, When those two cocks are released, that means the game is on. {4a} [B; b] set on s. o. Gilargahan siya sa mga buguy, The bullies set on him. -da n all set to go, well-prepared, showing confidence as one goes into a fight, examination, or contest. Hustu sa largáda si Klí. Walà giyud magpakítag kahadluk, Clay was all set to go with com-plete confidence. He didnt show a trace of fear. -dur() n {1} one who releases cocks in cockfighting. {2} one who formally announces the candidacy of s. o. running for an elective o? ce.