laum, la-um
LAUM, LA-UM is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
láum, lá-um - Hope, expectation, trust, confidence; to hope, expect, trust, confide in, be confident. Magláum ka gid nga——. Have confidence that——. Nagláum silá nga makalámbut dídto sa sulúd sang isá ka táknà, ápang duhá gid ka táknà ang íla paglakát. They thought they could arrive there within an hour, but they had to walk two full hours. Ginalaúman (Ginalám-an) ko nga——. I hope, expect that——. Ginlaúman níya ang íya pagdaúg sa dúmug, ápang nabúntul siá. He hoped to win in wrestling, but he was thrown. Ang Pagtóo, Pagláum kag Paghigúgma. Faith, Hope and Charity. Walâ na siá sing lámon (laúmon). He has nothing to expect any longer. He is without hope, in a quandary, great perplexity, despair. (cf. sálig, hulát, paabút).