LAYAG is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
láyag n sail of a boat. v [A; b6] put up the sail. Mularga na ang sakayan kay gilayágan na, The boat is ready to sail be-cause they have hoisted the sails. () v [A13] {1} for a sailboat to sail. {1a} lantaw ug sit idly by watching people that are working without lifting a finger to help (as if watching s. o. sail-ing). Naglantawg naglayag bisag gikinahanglan kaáyu ang íyang pagtábang, He just sits idly by watching, even though his help is badly needed. {2} for the ears to stick out. Naglayag ang dunggan, His ears stick out. -an() k. o. volute shell growing to 3 by 1 1/2 with no operculum. Edible but bitter. -in-an n boat with sails. -un a favorable for sailing. -un ug dátù for a wind to be slow (lit. good only for rich people with plenty of time to sail with). -um-an n k. o. small squid, growing to 8 with a very reduced internal plate. paN-um-an() v [B; c] go to catch lumayágan. panlumayaganan place one can fish for lumayágan. {2} boat for fishing for lumayágan.