LINGIN is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
língin a round, circular. Língin kaáyu ang singsing (búla), The ring (ball) is round. ang búla still in the running, all is not lost. Língin pa ang búla, puydi pag mabawì nákù sa paynals ang ákung grádu, I still have a chance. Maybe I can make up for my failing grade in the finals. n money (slang). v [AB2S; a] form a circle or sphere, cause s.t. to do so. Naglíngin ku áring tabla pára ligid sa duláan, I am cutting this board into a circle as a wheel for the toy. Ang naglíngin níyang mata, Her round eyes. Lingína ang bulabúla, Form the meat into little balls. Lingíni sa tungà ug human, gabsa ang tungà, Make a circle in the middle and then saw out the middle portion. n circle. -g- = língin, a (plural). ma- a {1} round. {2} disgrasyang ma- a most unlikely misfortune which nevertheless takes place, though the victim does not deserve it. -un() a roundish.