LISTA is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
lista n {1} list. Wà maapil ang ímung ngálan sa lista, Your name is not on the list. {2} list of debts. v {1} [A; c] list, enumerate in writing, Ilista ang palitúnun arun way makalimtan, List the things to buy so we dont forget anything. {2} [A; c1] charge s.t. to ones account in a store, add to ones list of debts. Hápit tanang pamilya sa sundáwu naglista sa kantína, Almost all the soldiers families charge all the goods they get from the canteen. Listahun (ilista) lang ni, ha? Just charge this, O. K. ? pa- v [A; c6] enroll s. o. or oneself in a course. Dílì ku makapalista kay wà kuy kwarta, I cannot enroll because I dont have any money. listahan = lista, n1. paN- n enrollment.