LUAD is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
lúad - To spit out, cast out of the mouth, eject (unpalatable food, etc.). Ilúad lang ang mapaít nga búnga. Spit out the bitter fruit. Maglúad ka lang sang mga pásì— or—Ilúad mo lang ang mga pásì. Simply spit out the unhulled rice. Indì mo pagluádan sang ímo minamâ ang salúg, kóndì ilúad mo sa bintánà. Don’t spit your betelnut quid on the floor, but spit it out of the window. Gintilawán ko iníng kárne kag dáyon nákon ginlúad sa bintánà, kay támà katíg-a. I tasted this meat and immediately spit it out of the window, for it was extremely tough. Sín-o ang nagdúplà dirí kag naglúad sang íya tilád? Who has been spitting and spirting his betelnut juice here? (cf. dúplà, dulâ, durâ, súka, panúka, súgpà, kúghad, pangúghad).