LUSLUS is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
luslus v {1} [A; c1] for s.t. that wraps s.t. and is attached to it to slip o? , esp. the foreskin. Human na siya makaluslus sa unud gíkan sa mga bukug, She managed to slip the meat o? the bones to which it had been attached. Naluslus na ang pánit sa íyang tintin, hustu nang tulíun, He can pull his foreskin back, so hes ready to be circumcised. {2} [A; a12] use s.t. in a way that will destroy it. Hala, luslúsa nang makinilya arun makailis ka, Go on and use that typewriter in such a way as to break it so you can buy me a new one. {3} [AN; a] swindle, make a fool of s. o. (coarse). Giluslus ming Pidru. Inay ibáyad sa bangku ang kwartang gihátag námù, íya hinúung giláyas, Pedro swindled us. Instead of paying the money we gave him to the bank, he skipped out of town. n {1} penis (vulgar). mu, níya {1a} expression of anger at s. o. Luslus mu! Wà man gánì ku swildúi íni unyà kasab-ankasab-an pa, Damn! You scold me but Im working for you without pay! {1b} expression debunking s. o. Maáyu sa luslus mu, nga húmuk rang mabálì! Good, my eye! It breaks so easily!