NIPIS is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
nipis a {1} thin, not thick. Nipis kaáyu ang mga pánid sa Biblíya, The Bibles pages are very thin. {2} thin, scanty. Nipis siyag buhuk, He has thin hair. {3} in billiards, shot hitting the target ball at an angle so that it goes o? at right angles to the hole. v {1} [AB; c1] become, make thin. Minipis (nanipis) ang dalunggan sa bag-ung bána, The ears of the newly-wed husband became thin (from the notion that sexual indulgence causes ones ears to become thin). Kun magnipis kag puthaw makmákag kusug, When you flatten metal, hammer it hard. {2} [A; b7c1] do s.t. on a scanty scale, thin s.t. out. Nipsa (inipis) pagpulbus sa ímung nawung, Just apply a little powder to your face. Nip-san nátù ang ímung buhuk, Lets thin out your hair. {3} [A3P; b5] hit a target ball so that it goes o? at right angles to the target. pa- v [A; b6] come too close to another vehicle. Ayaw pagpanipis sa ingkuwintru, Dont drive too close to the oncoming tra? c. tag-() n name given to various kinds of long and slender sardines and herrings.