
PA is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.

pa {1} still, yet: up to now, up to a specific point in the past. Natúlug pa si Pidru, Pedro is still asleep. Si Huwan pay naabut, So far only John has arrived. {1a} with measurements: only [so-and-so much] up to now. Tungà pa ug túbig ang baril, The barrel is still only half full of water. {1b} dílì, walà {1b1} not yet. Ang linung-ag nga ságing walà pa malútù, The boiled bananas are not cooked yet. {1b2} before. Hipúsa ang libru sa dílì pa si Pápa muabut, Put the book away before Dad arrives. Sa wà pay gíra, Before the war. {2} else, in addition. {2a} with future verb: [so-and-so] will still happen. Sulatan pa nákù si Husi, I still have to write to José. {2b} with a past verb: [did] besides. Human siya sagpáa, gisultían pa ug pait, He was slapped and bitter words were said to him as well. {2c} with existential: [so-and-so] also is in existence. Náa pa bay túbig sa baril? Is there any more water in the barrel? {2d} interrogative : {2d1} what, where, why, etc. else. Kinsa pay muadtu? Who else will go? {2d2} what, where, why, etc. could it be. Unsa pa ug dílì kwarta? What could it be if not money? Ngánu pa nga ikaw giyud? Why, oh why, was it you, of all people? {2d3} unsa, háin -y [noun]-un what [noun] are you talking about? Unsa pay radiyúhun nga dúgay nang gikáwat, What radio are you talking about when it was stolen long ago. {2e} in phrases bringing up a new subject: láin y átù by the way, to change the subject. Láin pay átù, minyù ka na ba? By the way, are you married? mau diay átù by the way, I just thought of it. Mau pa diay átù, wà ta kadág abridur, It just occurred to me. We didnt bring a can opener. úsà, ísà, tayim excuse me a second (lit. one more second). Ísà pa kay ákung pagngun ang radiyu, Excuse me. I am going to turn o? the radio. {2f} in phrases meaning in addition: bísan even . . . too, despite. Bísan pa ang mga bátà giapil, Even the children were included. Bísan pa niánà, dì ku muadtu, Despite that, I wont go! gawas, lábut besides. Gawas (lábut) pa niánà, unsa pa may púlung níya? Besides that, what else did he say? labaw in addition to. Labaw pa niánà tagáan tikag primiyu, And in addition, I will give you a reward. {3} [predicate] is superfluous; [do] when one shouldnt or shouldnt have to. Ug nagbayadbáyad pa siya nga wà man tu kinahanglána, And he was paying for it when there was no need. Sus! Ipakítà pa giyud níya mu rag dílì baratuhun, Heavens! She has to show o? , as if it werent s.t. cheap. {3a} [do] some more so that [such-and-such] a bad thing will happen again. Nasagpaan ka. Panabì pa, You got yourself a slapping. Go on. Blabber some more. Nadagmà ka núun. Sígi, dágan pa, You fell down. Go on. Keep on running around (so you can fall again). {3b} thats what happens when you do [so-and-so]. Minyù pa. Mu ra na kag irung panit, That is what you get for getting married. Youre no better o? than a mangy dog. {3c} walà nay [doubled verb] didnt even do [so-and-so] though it is customary. Gipalit níya ang kutsi dihàdihà nga wà nay hangyùhangyù pa, He bought the car, then and there, without even bargaining. {3d} mau y [verb] [so-and-so] was the case, which was bad enough, but then . . . Mau pay kisì, ímu pung iuran ug sígi, nadúnut, It was already torn. You kept wearing it, so it was ruined. {3d1} mau y [verb, adj. ] . . . mau y [verb, adj. ] he [did, does] and yet dared, dares to do [so-and-so] in addition. Mau pay sad-an mau pay mangísug, He is at fault, but he dares to get mad. Mau pay nangáyù mau pay mipílì, He is asking the favor and yet he is choosy. {4} [subject] is still in a group with other things mentioned. Ang íhu isdà. Isdà pa ba ang pági? Sharks are fish; are rays also considered fish? {4a} málu nà thats not so bad, is it? Sígi málu pa nà ug makadiyis ka, Go ahead. If you make ten bucks on it, that aint bad. {5} in comparisons: even more. Gwápa pa ka kang Maríya, You are more beautiful than Mary. {5a} [adj. ] pay [subject] [subject] is more [adj. ] than . . . Lamì pay lamaw niíni, This is worse than garbage. (Lit. Garbage is more delicious than this. ) Lisud pay magkaug mani, Its harder to eat peanuts than do this. {6} in quotations, preceded by gen. : [gen. ] said. Ug mau tu ang nahitabù, níya pa, And that is all what happened, he said. {6a} mátud [gen. ] [gen. ] says, said. Mátud pa níla aku dílì ángay, They say I am not worthy. {6b} siya he said. Kay na, siya pa, unsáun man nákù? Well, said he, what can I do? {6c} sa átù in other words. Aw, sa átù pa diyis ákung ibáyad nímu, Oh, in other words, ten is what I pay you. {7} with the apodosis of a condition contrary to fact. Ug walà pa nímu kawáta, ngánung náa man nà nímu? If you hadnt stolen it, why do you have it? {7a} [noun] y [noun, pronoun, adj. ] if [noun] were [noun, pronoun, adj. ]. Aku pay Huwan, If I were John. Aku pay ikaw (aku pa nímu), If I were you. Aku pay dátù, If I were rich. Aku pa nímu, níya, If I were you, him. Kami pa ninyu, níla, If we were you, them. {7b} [predicate] y ímu! [so-and-so] is stupendous in quantity, quality (lit. if you could only see [such-and-such]). Mais pay ímu, sus kadaghan! If you could only see my corn. My! Theres a lot. Si Pidru pay ímu, káun giyud tug irù, Believe me, Pedro will eat dog meat, and how! {7b1} [noun] y ákù I never thought [so-and-so] was what he was. Si Pidru pay ákù may kirída diay nà siya, I never thought it was possible, but Pedro has a mistress. {7c} lámang see lámang, 4b, c. {7d} agad, maáyu it would be, would have been better if, it would have been good. Maáyu (agad) pa untà ug átung napintálan ang kahun úsà gawía, It would have been better if we had painted the box before we used it. Agad (maáyu) pa ug magtuun ka kay sa magkantakanta, You would do better to study than just sit around singing. {7e} hináut, básin, básun I hope that. Hináut pang dílì muulan, I hope it wont rain. {8} modifying a phrase referring to time: [so-and-so] recently happened, wont happen until . . . Dílì madala ug bálik ugmà, Huybis pa, I cannot bring it back tomorrow. Not until Thursday. Bag-u pa siya nga milakaw, He left just now. Gíkan pa siya sa Manílà, He is just back from Manila. Karun pa siya muabut gíkan sa Buhul, He arrived just now from Bohol. {8a1} ayhà, anhà only then [will so-and-so] happen. Ayhà (anhà) pa siya mulíhuk ug pakit-an ug latigu, He only moves if he sees a whip. {8a2} dihà only then [so-and-so] happened. Dihà pa siya mutuun nga hápit na ang iksámin, He only started to study when it was nearly exam time. {8b} mau y [abstract form] or [instrumental passive] that is the first time [abstract] happened, [instrumental passive] will happen. Mau pay pagkadungug nákù niánà, That is the first time I heard that. Mau pay ilung-ag ug mudtu na, Dont cook it until noon. (The first time to cook it when its noon. ) {8c} [future verb abstract form] but then when [so-and-so] was done. Dúgay nákung limpiyu sa salug. Baldiyúhan pa nákù, human dáyun, It took me a long time to clean the floor. But then when I hosed it down, it was finished right away. Pag-abri pa nákù sa subri, wà diay sulud, When I opened the envelope, there was nothing in it after all. dáan [subject] knew [so-and-so] in advance. Dáan pa lagi ku, I knew that long ago! {9} much less [do]. Dì gánì aku makasulti, kanta pa, I cannot even talk, much less sing. Dì gánì aku makahímù niánà, ikaw pa, I cant even do that, much less you.

Words for further learning

Hiligaynon: pabagti
Information Technology: disk cache
Hiligaynon: kano, kano
Hiligaynon: ihawan
Information Technology: bump mapping
Information Technology: Floor Is Stock-Out Threshold
Hiligaynon: kabudhaw
Cebuano: tigbayun
Hiligaynon: tumbas
Hiligaynon: pamatok
Information Technology: cover letter
Hiligaynon: hikot
Hiligaynon: agas-agas
Information Technology: DAC package file
Cebuano: bugu
Information Technology: minority interest
Hiligaynon: oson
Cebuano: nga
Information Technology: application endpoint
Waray: lagikway
Tagalog: comics
Cebuano: maigang
Cebuano: kugay
Cebuano: urul
Cebuano: hibulus
Hiligaynon: palamahawan
Hiligaynon: rotulo, rotulo
Cebuano: gitung
Cebuano: kulasisi
Information Technology: Coursera
Information Technology: Webmail
Hiligaynon: badlon
Cebuano: tiskug
Hiligaynon: ato
Cebuano: tubus
Information Technology: Release Clipping Path
Information Technology: back up
Information Technology: DirectSound
Waray: payatak
Information Technology: age
Hiligaynon: kalapadon
Cebuano: banal
Information Technology: broadcast
Hiligaynon: payaso
Hiligaynon: alipata
Tagalog: harot
Tagalog: kosing
Hiligaynon: tiangak
Information Technology: Decimal
Ilokano: tuun
Hiligaynon: matalha
Cebuano: ping
Hiligaynon: palugus
Information Technology: data layout
Information Technology: write mode
Cebuano: balikid
Cebuano: intrada
Information Technology: Service Bus
Cebuano: kursunada
Hiligaynon: pamakol
Hiligaynon: tursi
Cebuano: abughu
Information Technology: modifier key
Cebuano: lugut
Hiligaynon: aman
Tagalog: mura
Cebuano: kabag
Cebuano: agad-ad
Information Technology: capacity planning
Cebuano: sikstu
Hiligaynon: hangilid
Cebuano: dibuhu
Tagalog: pulo
Hiligaynon: palagas
Hiligaynon: kulinat
Information Technology: Team Dev
Hiligaynon: balung
Information Technology: check number
Hiligaynon: hingilin
Cebuano: bugtai
Information Technology: transport calendar
Information Technology: subscription
Hiligaynon: pitsokwerno
Hiligaynon: kandila
Information Technology: Skype for Kindle Fire HD
Tagalog: bading
Cebuano: lumid
Information Technology: field internal name
Hiligaynon: kutub
Tagalog: mumog
Information Technology: remote device wipe
Hiligaynon: pakpakan
Information Technology: federated application
Tagalog: gaya
Hiligaynon: kaibug
Cebuano: dilantawu
Cebuano: piskut
Information Technology: phantom bill of material
Cebuano: itum
Ilokano: allon
Information Technology: PostScript font
Information Technology: separate worksheet link
Tagalog: tira
Information Technology: INR
Information Technology: BAM Event Bus MMC
Hiligaynon: paningdinganan
Information Technology: by-product
Hiligaynon: tabilang
Cebuano: asa
Tagalog: ligo
Hiligaynon: borong
Cebuano: kagwang
Cebuano: gasli
Cebuano: tistir
Hiligaynon: duas-duas
Cebuano: pasar
Hiligaynon: kagaspang
Information Technology: socket
Hiligaynon: pangabud-kabud
Cebuano: bayut
Information Technology: intent lock
Hiligaynon: palangan
Cebuano: irigar
Cebuano: bay-ang
Hiligaynon: busaag
Information Technology: parity
Information Technology: character style
Cebuano: pust-upis
Information Technology: conceptual model
Tagalog: layaw
Information Technology: KB Manager
Cebuano: agut
Cebuano: istakul
Hiligaynon: tagsaon
Cebuano: hup
Hiligaynon: andot
Cebuano: tuud
Cebuano: tiniblas
Cebuano: kilikisi
Hiligaynon: mapa
Cebuano: gaugau
Information Technology: keyframe
Gay Lingo: neuro
Information Technology: Relationships
Information Technology: Everyone (public)
Information Technology: character code
Hiligaynon: ogoy-ogoy
Cebuano: luta
Cebuano: manunggal
Hiligaynon: korse
Hiligaynon: puto-bungbung
Cebuano: kaykay
Hiligaynon: katlon
Information Technology: disregarded entity
Ilokano: pusa
Ilokano: alimatek
Information Technology: toggle screen
Cebuano: dibilap
Hiligaynon: untul
Information Technology: Devices
Information Technology: Project Pro for Office 365
Information Technology: blawg
Hiligaynon: aligi
Information Technology: Application Event Log
Ilokano: gawid
Cebuano: tahud
Tagalog: ungkat
Hiligaynon: panibsok
Hiligaynon: planggana
Information Technology: enterprise portal
Hiligaynon: nawi
Information Technology: socket
Hiligaynon: teleponista
Hiligaynon: kolisaw
Tagalog: guantes
Information Technology: connected network
Ilokano: tukad
Waray: dayaw
Information Technology: Saved Projects
Hiligaynon: leksyon
Cebuano: pasayan
Hiligaynon: duray
Tagalog: pala
Hiligaynon: mahanayak
Ilokano: lingaling
Cebuano: gitpas
Hiligaynon: pamihak
Cebuano: puga
Cebuano: alugbati
Information Technology: custom control
Information Technology: Maps
Ilokano: durudor
Hiligaynon: bandi
Tagalog: rosaryo
Information Technology: Text slide
Ilokano: paladpad
Hiligaynon: karatula
Cebuano: suspi
Tagalog: sinturon
Information Technology: redial
Ilokano: tulong
Hiligaynon: gabing-gabing
Cebuano: tagurha
Information Technology: recognition error
Ilokano: tudu
Information Technology: symbolic link
Information Technology: static IP address pool
Information Technology: chip set
Information Technology: Groove Documents Tool
Hiligaynon: kiskis
Hiligaynon: kahipus
Tagalog: dies
Cebuano: buang
Information Technology: flash memory card
Hiligaynon: daya
Tagalog: walastik
Information Technology: sweep
Cebuano: kupug
Cebuano: tuhib
Cebuano: hiwaus
Hiligaynon: mamumunak
Hiligaynon: ramas
Information Technology: C
Information Technology: video card
Hiligaynon: habal-habal
Ilokano: tiendaan
Information Technology: Site Designer
Information Technology: internal IM
Hiligaynon: pasay
Cebuano: bahis
Hiligaynon: paraliyo
Cebuano: sakuung
Cebuano: tsapstik
Information Technology: reentrant code
Information Technology: align
Cebuano: timik
Tagalog: kanta
Cebuano: baladin
Hiligaynon: orag-orag
Cebuano: banyira
Hiligaynon: tokapon
Hiligaynon: paitos
Cebuano: pibriru
Ilokano: takba
Hiligaynon: hiliphipan
Hiligaynon: mal-od
Information Technology: Office for Mac Preview
Cebuano: lup-ut
Cebuano: lamang
Information Technology: blood pressure monitor
Hiligaynon: loglog
Information Technology: debug engine
Hiligaynon: paagaw
Hiligaynon: tusmug
Information Technology: Categories
Ilokano: kursing
Hiligaynon: labag-labag
Tagalog: singit
Ilokano: pelpel
Hiligaynon: tadlong
Cebuano: timpasaw
Cebuano: ilad
Ilokano: kumit
Ilokano: timbengan
Ilokano: maikamano
Tagalog: tili
Information Technology: MSL
Information Technology: Windows Boot Manager
Information Technology: JPEG rotation
Information Technology: data management
Information Technology: Windows Alarms & Clock
Cebuano: dyunyur
Waray: salog
Information Technology: Comments pane
Information Technology: administrator account
Hiligaynon: lumay
Hiligaynon: kadamulon
Cebuano: inupung
Tagalog: impok
Cebuano: lingkaang
Hiligaynon: gintaipan
Cebuano: humay
Cebuano: tinabal
Information Technology: Office Professional
Cebuano: sabin
Ilokano: sika
Information Technology: Server Filter By Form
Tagalog: bintana
Information Technology: Transmission Level 3
Cebuano: imung
Information Technology: contact request
Tagalog: tibok
Hiligaynon: panaha
Cebuano: baluarti
Information Technology: vendor price tolerance group
Cebuano: kurti
Hiligaynon: utas
Cebuano: kurihir
Cebuano: durmituryu
Waray: mahumot
Cebuano: kawkaw
Hiligaynon: kaigoan
Information Technology: link bar
Hiligaynon: kapaindis-indis
Information Technology: radio
Cebuano: sambag
Information Technology: broadcast bit
Information Technology: stalemate
Information Technology: in-house
Cebuano: dipluma
Information Technology: closed authenticated meeting
Information Technology: Financial Integration
Hiligaynon: takam
Hiligaynon: halon
Information Technology: capacity
Hiligaynon: ampis
Hiligaynon: panghibulahan
Hiligaynon: himo
Hiligaynon: lugpit
Information Technology: Health Assessment
Cebuano: matyanak
Hiligaynon: sim-ong
Information Technology: validation
Information Technology: page orientation
Cebuano: alpumbra
Information Technology: deep linking
Hiligaynon: kalas
Ilokano: bulan
Tagalog: sukli
Cebuano: kundukta
Information Technology: product relationship
Tagalog: rekisa
Information Technology: ActiveX control
Hiligaynon: dampal
Information Technology: face up
Hiligaynon: banggianay
Information Technology: Active Directory schema
Information Technology: piecework
Cebuano: tidiyum
Cebuano: andayag
Tagalog: pasyon
Hiligaynon: palanginlalaki
Ilokano: upa
Hiligaynon: garay
Information Technology: backup and restore
Hiligaynon: sipad-sipad
Ilokano: mulagat
Tagalog: tiwalag
Cebuano: huwa
Cebuano: kagaw
Information Technology: transaction value
Ilokano: takup
Tagalog: sawa
Information Technology: type-safe
Information Technology: container control
Cebuano: walis
Information Technology: drive letter
Information Technology: geographic data
Information Technology: unattended setup
Information Technology: static analysis
Hiligaynon: goom-goom
Information Technology: AVIcode .NET Enterprise agent
Tagalog: ilap
Cebuano: bulwang
Cebuano: abugasiya
Tagalog: liyab
Ilokano: isiis
Information Technology: Legacy
Information Technology: frame grabber
Information Technology: allocation
Information Technology: drop-down menu
Cebuano: bangug
Information Technology: export
Information Technology: Send recurring
Information Technology: wallet card
Hiligaynon: ubus
Cebuano: halwut
Information Technology: prepay
Cebuano: huling
Cebuano: talu
Cebuano: burayburay
Information Technology: Tablix data region
Information Technology: edge event
Hiligaynon: pasabud
Cebuano: pa
Hiligaynon: kapid
Information Technology: CUA
Information Technology: NTFS file system
Cebuano: busal
Information Technology: vertical search
Waray: elepante
Information Technology: encapsulating security payload
Information Technology: pseudo-element
Information Technology: Windows Connect Now
Cebuano: lugti
Cebuano: lulid
Cebuano: hanib
Information Technology: W3C
Hiligaynon: babayhana
Hiligaynon: mahisa
Cebuano: abri
Information Technology: build event
Information Technology: PowerPoint XML Format
Information Technology: Islamic (Sunni) Religious Holidays
Information Technology: unit of measure
Cebuano: gulimuk
Hiligaynon: makuli
Hiligaynon: hoyhoy
Information Technology: Exchange Fast Access
Information Technology: form definition file
Information Technology: PCMCIA
Cebuano: swis
Ilokano: raboy
Hiligaynon: alanga-ang
Information Technology: Visual Studio Tools for Office
Hiligaynon: inangan
Hiligaynon: kuli
Hiligaynon: ading
Cebuano: ilitsu
Cebuano: pilutu
Cebuano: darling
Hiligaynon: pahong-pahong
Cebuano: nubu
Hiligaynon: tilaw
Cebuano: ripir
Tagalog: kusing
Information Technology: Early Launch Antimalware driver
Information Technology: ETF Movers
Cebuano: ananamsi
Cebuano: patriyuta
Hiligaynon: abonar
Cebuano: blag
Hiligaynon: maakup
Hiligaynon: gutab
Information Technology: margin
Cebuano: muut
Cebuano: hagpat
Cebuano: kudambus
Information Technology: Junk Mail
Cebuano: tamla
Tagalog: yaon
Cebuano: trumpiti
Information Technology: broadcast verification
Information Technology: interval event
Hiligaynon: alibhon
Information Technology: CBT
Information Technology: Simulation
Hiligaynon: karibudo
Cebuano: tulawug
Cebuano: luay
Cebuano: dingat
Cebuano: kabyaw
Information Technology: NLB
Information Technology: resource
Tagalog: doktor
Cebuano: dilabari
Information Technology: dimension association
Hiligaynon: ngango
Information Technology: hunt group
Hiligaynon: mahilab
Information Technology: end-to-end authentication
Hiligaynon: gingging
Hiligaynon: gaman
Hiligaynon: lalabhan
Hiligaynon: pamisok
Information Technology: cryptography
Information Technology: student
Ilokano: adi
Tagalog: bilas
Hiligaynon: hapon
Cebuano: taun
Hiligaynon: lagna
Cebuano: salimbagat
Cebuano: sapatus
Tagalog: kurbado
Hiligaynon: kapilyo
Information Technology: Lifetime
Tagalog: bihag
Information Technology: EAN
Information Technology: component
Hiligaynon: banog
Hiligaynon: tuyaw
Tagalog: puntod
Hiligaynon: pamitay
Tagalog: hilot
Cebuano: piyas
Information Technology: Idea management