PALIT is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
palit v {1} [A; a] buy. Akuy mupalit ánag diyis, Ill buy it for ten pesos (lit. if its ten pesos). Kinsay nagpalit sa ímung awtu? Who bought your car? Nakapalit mig barátung kutsi, We managed to buy a car cheap. Palitun ku ning tambála, I will buy this medicine. Kinsay ímung gipalitan sa kutsi? Who did you buy the car from (or for)? Wà kuy kwartang ipalit ug awtu, I have no money to buy a car with. {2} [A; a12] ug áway, burúka get into trouble with s. o. with whom one had no quarrel simply because of too much meddling. Sa ímung tábì nakapalit kag áway, You bought yourself a quarrel with your gossip. n amount paid to buy s.t. Pilay palit nímu sa isdà? How much did you pay for the fish? baligyà n buying and selling. Ang íyang patigáyun palit baligyà sa mais, He is in the business of buying and selling corn. () n sales. Kusug ba ang pálit sa ímung tinda? Are your goods selling fast? a selling well. v [b5] {1} sell in large quantities. Bulad mauy gipálit (gipalítan) run sa mga táwu kay mahal ang lab-as, Dried fish sells well now because fresh fish is dear. {2} [A13] for a farmer who raises his own to buy when his stock runs out. Nagpálit na run mi kay nahurut na ang abut námù nga mais, We are buying corn grits now because we used up our stock of corn. hiN-() a fond of buying. Himálit kaáyu siyag prútas, She is fond of buying fruits. hiN-an, hiN-an() a selling well. Himalitan (himalítan, pálit) ang ímung tinda kay bubaratu, Your goods sell well because theyre cheaper.