PAN is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
paN- (see p. xvi for the meaning of the symbol N. see maN-for illustrations of the tense forms of the active voice. ) {1} derivational verb forming prefix. {1a} forming verbs that refer to plural actions: action done by one or more agents to several things, or several agents to one thing, or one (or more) agents to s.t. more than once. Pangáun na, mga bátà, Come eat, children. Ikay pangúhà sa mga hinayhay, You be the one to bring the laundry in. Hinúgay na ug pangusì ánang bat-ána, Youve been pinching that child for long enough now. {1a1} added to nouns referring to living beings to form verbs meaning catch [such-and-such]. Pamangsi, Go catch flying fish (bangsi). Nanginabúhì sila sa pagpangisdà, They live by catching fish. {1a2} do [so-and-so] as an occupation. Dúgay na níyang pangutsíru, He has been a rig driver (kutsíru) for a long time. Dì ka makakwarta sa pagpangáhuy lang, You cannot get rich by gathering firewood (káhuy). {1b} forming verbs referring to an energetic action or happening. Nagpanlugnut ang dalága nga gikidnap, The girl that was being kidnapped struggled to get free. Gipaningut ku, I am completely drenched with sweat. Nagpangamay siya iyáwat makit-an, He waved for all he was worth in hopes that he would be seen. {1c} added to verbs referring to the action of cleaning, beautifying, and the like to form verbs meaning [do] to oneself. Panipilyu uy! Brush your teeth! Panabun ug maáyu, Soap yourself well. Ayaw pangìkì, Dont pick your teeth. {1d} added to nouns referring to an event or a place to form verbs meaning attend [such-and-such] an event, go to [such-and-such] a place. Pamirnis Santu sa inyu, Spend Good Friday (Birnis Santu) at home. Pangarbun na, Go to the Carbon market now. Pamista sa ámung lungsud, Come to the fiesta in our town. {1d1} added to other nouns to form verbs. Ayaw úsà pamána, Pirla, Dont get married (lit. take a husbandbána), Perla. Hápit siya mamatay pagpanganak, She practically died in childbirth. Ginadílì ang pagpangíhì dinhi, Its forbidden to urinate here. {1e} added to adj. to form verbs meaning be [adj. ]. Nag-inánay pagpamula ang íyang náwung, His face gradually started getting red all over. Pagpangínit na sa íyang bukubuku mibákud siya, When his back was warm, he got up. {1f} verb forming a? x with no ascertainable meaning. Pangáyù didtu níyag kwarta, Ask for (káyù) money from him. Pananghid úsà ka mulakaw, Say good-bye (sanghid) before you leave. {2} noun forming a? x. {2a} added to roots which form verbs taking paN-: action of [do]ing. Way kaláki ang pangisdà dinhi, Fishing is no good here. {2b} instrument for [do]ing. Panlaba, S. t. to wash with. Panágat, Fishing equipment. Panápì, Means of obtaining money. {2c} sense of. Panimhut, Sense of smell.