PANA is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
panà n arrow, spear projected. v {1} [A; ac] shoot an arrow, spear. Panàa ang dakung isdà, Spear into the huge fish. Ipanà ang udiyung ngadtu sa irù, Shoot the arrow into the dog. {2} [A; a12] make into an arrow, spear. igù sa ni Kupidu v [a3] fall in love (lit. hit with Cupids dart). Si Idyun naigù na sa panà ni Kupidu sígi nag iskulbus, Edion is in love because he is always escorting s. o. home. igù sa v [a3] be drunk from drinking Kulafu, a brand of cheap liquor which shows a hunter aiming with a bow and arrow on its label (slang). Nagpiraypiray na siya kay naigù sa panà, He is staggering because he had one too many shots of Kulafu. () v = panà, v1. paN-() v [A; a] hunt with bow and arrow, go spear fishing. Ayawg lubúga kay náay namánà, Dont stir the water because s. o. is spear fishing (a humorous phrase uttered in the presence of s. o. wearing sunglasseslikening him to a spear fisherman). n hunting with bow and arrow, spear fishing. pinaN-an() n s.t. caught with a bow and arrow or by spear fishing.