PANGGAS is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
pánggas - To plant, sow, especially to plant seeds by hand in holes made by a stick, etc. Ipánggas ang maís. Plant the corn. Panggasí sing maís ang talámnan nga naányan na. Plant corn in the field from which the rice has been harvested. Ang mga ginikánan dápat magpánggas sang bínhì sang maáyo nga pamatásan sa lanúbò nga tagiposóon sang íla mga bátà. Parents should sow the seed of good conduct (manners) in the young hearts of their children. Walâ kamí sing humáy nga pinánggas, kóndì tinánum lang. We have no rice grown directly from the seeds, but only rice from transplanted seedlings. Ang pamánggas ángay sa mga bánglid, ápang ang panánum sa saláma nga wayáng. Seed-planting is suitable on slopes, but seedling-planting on level plains.