PASKAN is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
paskan exclamation at the high degree s.t. is. Paskang iníta run! How hot it is today! nu it would be terrible. Paskan, nu, ug mahibalu ánà ang Prisidinti! What if the President should come to know about it! paskin n {1} notice or announcement displayed publicly. {2} s.t. bad about a person written anonymously in a public place or an anonymous poison-pen letter. v [A; c] {1} put up as a public announcement. Nagpaskin si Lútir sa pultahan sa sim-bahan, Luther posted his theses on the church door. {2} post an announcement ruining s. o. s reputation. Kinsay nagpaskin nga si Pidru pisut? Who wrote on the wall that Pedro is uncircum-cised? {2a} send an anonymous poison-pen letter. Gipaskínan ang ginikánan nga kidnápun ang ílang anak, The parents re-ceived an anonymous letter that their baby would be kidnapped. {3} [A; a12] play a game in which the letters of the name of a man and a woman are compared to find out if they will fall in love, be married, and the like.