PATAY is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
patáy - Dead, killed, deceased, demised, departed, defunct, lifeless, said of any living organism; gone out, stopped, not functioning (of lamps, fire, clocks, machines, etc.); to cause death, to kill, put to death, take (a man’s) life, slay, murder, slaughter, massacre, do or make away with, put an end to, despatch. Dúgay na nga patáy siá. He is dead a long time. He died long ago. Patáy na ang kaláyo. The fire has gone out. Patáy na ang motór. The motor does not go (is not working) any more. Pátya siá. Kill him. Indì ka magpatáy. Thou shalt not kill. Sín-o ang nagpatáy sa íya? Who killed him? Pátya ang sugâ. Put out the lamp (light). Napatáy siá nga walâ na maabúti sang manugbúlung. He died before the doctor (physician) could reach him. Pinatáy (Ginpatáy) siá sang mga buyóng. He was murdered (killed) by the robbers. Yanáng baláy napátyan sing makaduhá sa sulúd sang isá ka búlan. Within a month two persons died in that house. Ipatáy akó ánay siníng haló. Please kill this iguana for me. (cf. kamátay, matáy, kamatáyon, tagumatáyon, himatayón, panginmatáy, minatáy, húyod, múy-od, músduk, paalumátay, namátyan).