PATUNG is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
pátung v [A; c] place s.t. on top of s.t. else. Ang lángaw nga makapatung sa kábaw magpakakábaw sad, A fly that alights on a carabao thinks he, too, is a carabao (becomes swell-headed). Patúngi ang mga papil arun dì manglúpad, Put a weight on the papers so they wont get blown away. n {1} pile. Natumpag ang pátung sa mga diláta, The cans that were stacked up neatly came tumbling down. {2} interest on money. Pilay pátung sa kwartang ímung gihulaman? How much interest did they charge on the money you borrowed? patungpatung v [AB6; c1] pile, be piled up, accumulated. Nagpatungpatung ang ákung trabáhu, maung sígi kug ubirtayim, My work is piling up, so I keep having to work overtime. hi-ha-(), hi-ha- [B1256] {1} be at the top of s.t. Paghipátung níla sa bungtud, When they reached the top of the mountain. {2} reach a certain height of a? uence. Nahipátung ku sa kahamugáway kay nakadaug kus swipstiks, I was on easy street when I won the sweepstakes.