PIKPIK is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
pikpik v {1} [A3; a12] pat, tap lightly on the body. Dinhay nagpikpik sa ákung abága, S. o. tapped me on the shoulder. Pikpíka ang tiyan sa bátà ug dì ba butud, Tap the childs stomach to see if he doesnt have gas. {2} [A; a] make pottery by tapping with a flat wooden paddle. {3} [A13; a12] hammer out dents in a car. Kinsay nagpikpik sa mga lumping sa tapalúdus awtu? Who hammered out the dents in the car fender? n {1} small and short wooden paddle used by the potters in shaping pots. {2} k. o. sorcery inflicted by tapping s. o. on the back, counteracted by tapping the person who sent it on his back. maN-r-n {1} potter. {2} person who removes dents from an automotive vehicle body. maN-l- n sorcerer who causes illness by means of pikpik.