PIRMI is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
pirmi a {1} always. Pirmi ka lang malít, Youre always late. {2} steadily, consistent. Ug pirmi ang inandaran sa mutur, way daut, If the motor runs steadily, theres nothing wrong. v [A; ac] do s.t. always or regularly all the time. Nagpirmi lang siyag katúlug, He is sleeping all the time. Pirmíha ang ímung maáyung gáwì, Maintain your good ways. Ipirmi ang ímung kamut sa ákung tiyan, Keep your hand on my stomach. ang táku {1} hold on to the cue in billiardsi. e. , not lose the play. (When one misses, the cue is passed to the next players. ) {2} go steady with a girl. {2a} have intercourse steadily. {3} be employed steadily in one job. v {1} [AB6; c16] keep the cue in billiards. {2} go steady with s. o. Mupirmi (mapirmi) ang táku nátù kun pahagkun ku nímu, I will go steady with you if you will let me kiss you. {2a} [A; c16] have sexual intercourse regularly. Nagpirmi ang ílang táku kay nahigám, They always make love because they have come to learn how much fun it is. {3} [B6; c16] become permanent in a job. Mapirmi ang ímung táku basta maáyu ang ímung ági, I will keep employing you if you do well.