PUL is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
púl n pool, k. o. pocket billiards played with a cue ball and object balls numbered from 1 to 15. v [AC; c] play pool. -an n pool hall. pula a {1} red. {1a} any color ranging from dark yellow through orange, red, and brown. {1b} ug sáya palm toddy, esp. inside a transparent glass container where the redness shows (slang). Puwa ug sáya ang ílang giinum, They drank palm toddy. {2} not true, lie (so called from the color of the butbut which is homonymous with a word meaning lie, butbutcolloquial). Anus-a ku mutúu nga pulus man nà pula? Dont expect me to believe that when its all lies. {3} = dágir, 2. v {1} [ABN; ab7] become red, cause s. o. to do s.t. Akuy mupula sa ímung sapátus, Ill make your shoes red. Mipula siya kay gisugsg, She turned red because they teased her. Napula ang íyang kamut sa dyúbus, Her hands got red with dye. Namula ang ákung nawung sa kaúlaw, My face was red with shame. Nagpula ang langit pag-sawup sa adlaw, The sky was all red at sunset. Nagkapula ang binágang puthaw, The iron that was heated is turning redder and redder. Pulahun ta nang putì mung sapátus, Ill make your white shoes red. Gipulahan ku sa ímung sinínà, Your dress looks red to me. Pulahi pa nang ímung ngábil, Put more red on your lips. {2} [B126] for the voice to crack and become discordant. Napula ang íyang tíngug sa kalísang, His voice went o? pitch discordantly in fright. {3} háin bay na- expression to show con-temptuous disbelief. Ingun siya dúna na siyay awtu, háin bay napuwa? He said he got a car. That will be the day that I believe that! pulapula n scattered red spots or dots. puláhan (not without l) n {1} the name given to the Filipino fighters for independence against the Spaniards and then the Americans (so called from their red badges). {2} types of fish with predomi-nantly red hues. puláhay n infant. ka-redness. pa- n lipstick. pulahun a reddish. n = puláhay.